Anthony was born and raised in South Philadelphia, where he’s currently raising his own family. A 32-year veteran of the local graffiti culture (where he was known as “Seper”), Anthony’s passion for leaving ‘tags’ and ‘pieces’ on buildings and walls in the city didn’t always generate positive attention. He gave up graffiti permanently in 1999, and pursued virtually no artistic outlets until 2010, when his daughter, Adrianna, reignited his passion for painting on her 2nd birthday. That day, as he made a collaborative art project with his daughter, Anthony rediscovered his calling and stumbled upon the hybrid, abstract style that would become his signature.

Now a muralist and educator, Anthony channels the spray paint skills he developed in his graffiti days into making abstract paintings, often with the help of Adrianna, who paints the base color of his canvas pieces. He has mastered his medium, imbuing each piece with familiar and unfamiliar color palettes and compositional elements that reflect his passion for visual texture. His work abstractly engages and references graffiti culture, while layers of contrasting lines challenge the flat and linear aspects of most traditional graffiti.

Anthony’s unique and intriguing works, created through an organic process, are designed to capture both your eye and your curiosity. His ultimate goal is to leave behind works of art that his daughter’s children can one day be proud of.